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Who Is The Target Market For Leasing Luxury Cars?

What is the leasing market?

The car leasing market is an alternative way for a business or individual to have access to a new car, without having the capital to afford to buy one.

Leasing a car is often viewed as a more affordable option than buying a car, mainly because you can select, within reason, the car you would like to drive, the cost of which is taken as a set monthly fee.

At the end of the lease contract (normally 3 years, depending on the age of the car) the car is replaced with a brand new model if the contract is renewed.

Is it a stable market?

Unlike owning a car, the leasing company takes the depreciation of the vehicle into account; as such there is no risk involved further down the line. This appeals to business owners as not only can tax liability be accurately forecasted, but there are also the economies of scale to be had with large fleets of lease cars.

It is widely predicted within the automotive industry that within the next 10 - 15 years leasing a car will be the norm, and the majority of us will be avoiding the expense of a new car to follow this trend.

Market trends

Following on from this prediction, past market trends have shown that there is a slowing in the decline of the UK used car market. In comparison to the year on year drop in new car sales of 26.6%, the used car market only dropped 5.9% in the first half of 2010.

Over the past decade the UK used car market has grown a total of 7%, this is in spite of the negative media attention it attracts and inconsistent promotion by vehicle manufacturers.

According to these figures, the steady demand for used cars has assisted the franchised dealer networks to ride out a storm; this is before the long awaited scrappage incentive scheme came to the fore.

According to research firm Trend Tracker nearly four used cars are sold for every new one in 2010.

The effect on the leasing market

More than half of the new car demand is corporate; as such this change in purchasing behaviour has led to a change in tack from the leasing companies themselves. Holding onto the car after the 3 year contract is up is now being encouraged as this will help to combat the reduction in the number of contracts being available, as well as make an indent into the potential losses that would come from vehicle disposals.

So who is the target market?

Originally the domain of the corporations and big business, it is now becoming more and more common for the individual to choose a lease car. In the same instance the business clients haven't dwindled, rather there has been a shift towards more economical and environmentally sound models.

Toppmärken i segmentet lyx bil

Få saker i livet är jämförbara med ett lyx fordon anses vara på toppen av sin klass. Vi hör ofta att säga "Pengar kan inte köpa lycka". Kanske det köpa inte dig lycka i sig, men det säker kan få dig i cockpiten på en V12 motorbil med en inredning grönskande nog för drottningen av England själv! Här är en lista över de topp lyxmärken bil på bilmarknaden.

Mercedes Benz - detta är den första märke som dyker in i de flesta människors sinnen när de hör ordet "lyxbil". Många studier har visat att detta är märket som de flesta konsumenter likställa med prestige och kvalitet. För 2011, har Benz gett sin E-klass trim en makeover med nya snygga vinkelformiga billyktor och en mer modern och elegant utseende. Det är ganska intressant att observera att många äldre C-klass modeller utnyttjas som taxibilar i många europeiska länder. Detta är bevis på hållbarheten av Mercedes motorer. några av motorerna på taxibilar har kontaktat några hundra tusen km! Massor av unga Hollywoodstjärnor väljer Mercedes; pop sensation Britney Spears har setts ofta orsakar förödelse på gatorna i L.A i hennes vita Mercedes SL65 medan skådespelerskan Lindsay Lohan har varit involverad i en ökända bilolycka i sin svarta SL65. 2011 SL65 sport en V12-motor och en otrolig 604 hk med en rejäl MRSP av ungefärligt omkring $199k. Det är en hel del makt att springa ifrån paparazzi med!

BMW-deras sportiga bilar är kända som "The Ultimate Driving Machine" och det är ingen överdrift. Skillnaden mellan BMW och Benz är att först är konstruerad för att vara prestanda orienterade medan den senare riktar sig mot föraren och passagerarnas komfort. BMW har oftast kommit med en stel fjädring och gott om HP. Den bäst säljande modellen är överlägset 3-serien, som erbjuder kvalitetsprestanda, hantering och makt till ett konkurrenskraftigt pris i nybörjar marknaden. 335 modellen levereras med en motor som ger ut en otrolig 300 hk och 300 lb fötter av vridmoment. Min personliga favorit måste vara top of line 7-serien, som utstrålar kraft och klass; 2010 modellen stoltserar med en åtta-cylindrig motor med 400 hk.

Aston Martin - bilarna är så chic och sofistikerade att internationella man stil James Bond kan ses köra många Aston Martin i Bond-filmer. Anmärkningsvärda stand outs i raden inkluderar Vantage V12 (som erbjuder en imponerande tolv cylindrar för toppeffekt!) och nya V8 Vantage N420 roadster som är en snabb och vacker Cabriolet med vackra kurvor, mjuka flytande linjer och sammanlagt 420 hästkrafter.

Infiniti - Infiniti är lyx spin-off linjen av Nissan. Infiniti är ganska ny på marknaden jämfört med de traditionella tyska spelarna men det är redan att göra en betydande inverkan på marknaden på grund av dess vackra och hög prestanda bilar. Tillverkaren är känd för sin höga prestanda IPL linje som är ett mer prisvärt alternativ till Benz AMG linje och M3 serien från BMW. Fördelen med en Infiniti fordon är att dess reparation och service kostnader tenderar att vara normalt mycket billigare än sina tyska konkurrenter. I allmänhet, är Infiniti också mer konkurrenskraftigt prissatt jämfört med BMW och Benz. En sticka ut är top of line M56 som är utrustad med en mäktig åtta cylindrig motor och 420 hk, med AWD modellen börjar på runt $60k.

How to Keep Your Luxury Car in Top Shape

A luxury car is a big investment. But for the higher price you pay for luxury cars you also get a lot more for your money. Luxury cars can often have higher end features like heated leather seats or DVD players. They also have a lot of higher end engines and operating systems. But a lot of responsibility comes with a luxury car's myriad features. All cars require maintenance whether it is scheduled or routine. Replacing air filters and oil changes are things that need to be taken care of in order for your car to run properly. Normally, though, for non-luxury vehicles these tasks can be put off for a little while without hindering the performance of the vehicle. This is not the case for luxury vehicles. Luxury vehicles require regular maintenance to ensure that they will run optimally:

Regular Maintenance

Luxury vehicles require regular maintenance. How often you use your vehicle, and for what, will likely determine how often you should have it maintained. If you ignore having your vehicle regularly maintained it can greatly affect the performance of your vehicle.

The best way to make sure that your luxury car is running optimally is by creating a maintenance schedule. According to there are two kinds of maintenance schedules, one for regular use and one for severe use. Another way to determine what kind of maintenance your car will need is to think about where you are driving the car. If you use your car mostly in the city it will need to have more regular maintenance, as city driving requires a lot of stopping and starting, as opposed to using your car mostly on freeways. Once you have determined your maintenance schedule it is imperative that you stick to it. If you fall off of your maintenance schedule your car could pay the price, which means you will ultimately pay a much bigger price to have it fixed.

Follow Manufacturer Recommendations

When maintaining the performance of your luxury vehicle, it is important to follow the factory recommendations closely. Many people fail to read their owner's manuals to even see what the manufacturers recommend. This is a mistake that can prove to be costly.

For example, if your vehicle requires premium gasoline or synthetic oil then it is in your best interest to use those products. Manufacturers recommend certain products for a reason, so that your car will run smoothly and efficiently. If you ignore the factory recommendations you will affect the performance of your car in a negative way, even causing damage in some cases. To ensure that your luxury vehicle runs well you should follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

See the Dealer for Maintenance

Luxury cars can require expertise when they need maintenance or repairs. That is why it is best to take your car to the dealership where you bought it from when it needs maintenance.

Mechanics at dealerships are experts at repairing certain types of cars. They have specific training and years of experience working with specific types of cars and their specific problems. Generic mechanics or garages may have some experience with repairing your specific type of car, but they will not have the level of expertise that a dealership mechanic will have. This lack of experience could lead to a mistake or it could leave you without your car for a longer period of time because the mechanic needs more time to repair or maintain your car.

Dealership mechanics also have the parts and tools on hand to get the job done. If you take your car to an unspecialized mechanic they may not have the parts or tools necessary to fix your car, meaning you may have to be without your car for a longer time period.

Making sure that your luxury vehicle runs smoothly can take a lot of time and diligent care. But that diligent care will also keep your car from breaking down, meaning you will be able to enjoy the splendor of your car.